The Recovering Reconstructionist

Get an inside look at the Christian sect ”Theonomic Reconstructionism” from the perspective of a ”Recovering Reconstructionist” - a Christian who fights daily against the mental repercussions of over 30 years of grooming.

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Monday Feb 05, 2024

Sorry it's a late release! It's worth the wait...
This is part 1 of 2. If a recon talks to you about "tactics" for reconstructionism, it never amounts to actual tactics. It only amounts to knowing something should be done. But it never amounts to an actual blueprint of what to do.

Monday Jan 01, 2024

There are two extremes in the recon community: artificial worth and artificial worthlessness. Your value isn't found in Christ and the fact that God made you in His image. It is found in your performance. To them, it is possible that one can commit either enough sins or a bad enough to be beyond the reach of redemption. They'll deny all of that, but in practice, that's exactly what it is.

Friday Dec 01, 2023

There's a reason Recons exit: They were trying to address a problem of apathy in the church, and they took it too far. But let's talk about that apathy for a moment. It's actually just two sides of the same legalistic coin. Recons can't do enough to earn salvation. The other extreme wants to know how little they can get away with doing while still remaining saved. Neither side comes from a place of loving Christ.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023

Sorry for skipping October's episode - I had no laptop for almost two months due to repairs, so I couldn't work on anything!
Recons are so taken up with judging others and cleaning up this earthly institution that they don't bother to rejoice because their names are written in heaven. ...This is just yet another one of the incredible results of their godless Christianity.

Friday Sep 01, 2023

Theonomic Reconstructionism is similar to Fundamentalism. Both guilt trip people's beavior. Fundamentalists usually have rules that aren't in Scripture, while Reconstructionists usually have a different angle...  One inconsistency with reconstructionists is that they often comment on insignificant behavior, while being silent on huge things that a brother in Christ should offer loving council concerning, like not getting addiction help, or having an affair. How can those extremes coexist?

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

It's not what they claim it is. The dangers are subtle and will many times lead to other problems you are likely familiar with. The observations on this podcast are primarily addressing the sect found within conservative Christianity and mainly within Reformed Presbyterianism/Calvinism, but many of these Reconstructionist doctrines are also found among liberal Christian denominations and non-Presbyterians, and the outworkings might look slightly different there. 

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